Tuesday 26 March 2013

Cullim Inlet east of Hopetoun. With my favourite bird the pelican

Old mine site on the Hopetoun road from Ravensthorpe

Hammersley Range east of Hopetoun
Bob feeling sick this day with the flu so no attempt to climb the mountain
Hi Everyone,
Another in Paradise, being on the road.
After staying another night in metal site listing to the birds and watching the sun go down.
We headed into Esperance where we stayed with Bobs niece and her family. We stayed for a month as we had additions added to the caravan and a new roof rack on the car, but also a great time catching up with his family.

Down the south west of Australia it was the wild flower time alot of the flowers only grown in this area, so we were taking all the side roads looking for the wild flowers.

Around the jetty the seals were enjoying the folicing around near the beach, spent alot of time watching them play
Travelling around so of the beautiful beaches and back roads we came across this hugh chess board so here we are playing chess out inthe fresh air and sunshine. Of course Bob won, alot of fun though.

Tuesday 19 March 2013


Is a small seaside town with a jetty, which was closed due to repairs when we there. But the seaweed on the beach around the jetty was very smelly and worse in the evenings. The first evening we met up with the people we had met at Pallinup, they stayed a cabin so we had happy hour with them and then decided to travel together the next day.
Around Hopetoun there is some beautiful bays. so we all head east calling into many of the lovely bays.
Two Mile beach with its blue water and lovely white breakers

Masons Point salt water being desalinated for the mine East of Raventhorpe
Friends Sutji & Rob who we met at Pallinup.
They enjoyed their day with us and when we reached Starvation bay we all had a shared lunch before saying goodbye to them as they headed East to Esperance

Thursday 14 March 2013

Hi Everyone,
A friend help me set this blog site up and up to now have not been sure what to place on,
so thought Id invite you all on journey around Australia and see it throught our eyes. Mainly through photos and to hear of some of the challenges we have been through. So come along and join us,
we will go back to the start.

In July 2008 Bob and I sold up everything and bought a nice new caravan to take off on a trip of a life time, travelling this beautiful country of Australia. So on the 29th  July we left our family and friends in Perth and travelled south to a small town of Manjimup, it was raining and cold, but still felt excited to be finally on the road.
One of our first challenges was having to sell everything, what do we let go and what do we keep.
Going from a 3 bedroom home to a caravan there is alot you are unable to take. But when look at most of it only material objects. And looking back now its amazing what thing we do collect over the year to create a home.
Next day we moved on and as we were leaving the managers gave a bag of potatoes, and we thought whoa we are doing the right thing and we just had to trust that we were going to be looked after.

                                  This is Williams Bay a beatiful spot and one of my favorite.
Taken on the way to Mt Barker
It rain for about a week, and we manager to take some good photos.
Bob has alot of family down in Mt Barker and Albany so we spent sometime with them.

                                             Flood waters at Takalup just out of Albany WA
Once again we had a challenge , the challenge of saying bye to family and friends, but they are alwaysin our heart and since we left have caught up them again. But the other side is as one door close another opens and we have met and made many new friends along the way.
This Pallinup Bridge where stopped for lunch after leaving Albany
This is one of those places that we first met and made some wonderful friends. A couple travelling around in their car, from Melbourne. We caught up again with them a little further down the track and we still keep intouch after five years.

We will continue to Bremer Bay next week. Hope you enjoy.