Tuesday 23 July 2013

Hi Everyone,

Well going to skip a couple of years for now and show you some photos of our trip to the Bungle Bungles in West Australia. Or the Aboriginal name is Purnululu. It was declared a world heritage area in 2003. It has a remarkable landscape of tiger striped, beehive shaped rock domes.

Bob took the Friday off work and we drove down to the Bungle Bungles and camped for 2 nights. Our friend and neighbor came with us as well. There were was plenty of walks and challenges, but we had a great time.
 Just even to have a few days away from the caravan, and forget about that horrible four letter word. WORK.

This where we walked up the river bed to Piccaninny creek for a great lookout. Most of the walks into see these beautiful place was along a pebble river bed so not so easy to walk on.
They where formed by uplift and erosion over the last 20 million years. The domes are made from limestone and are so fine that they can crumble when touched. Thin layers of black lichens and orange silica cover and protect the limestone. This is what give it colourful effects. There are two parts to the park on one end there are the beautiful domes and the other end there are the gorges.  All lovely and all special .
The colours in these gorge where amazing and even without the sun on there they still put on a good show. As you can see certain areas were a tight fit, but that just made it more exciting, further on this walk we even had steep ladders to climb up. At the end we came across a huge water hole, so time to sit and just listen to the silence, until we heard the kids come running into the area. Then it was time to move on.
The Bungle Bungles are a seasonal area and you can only visit between May and October, in the dry season. In the wet there are many creeks to cross and it would be a big mud track so it is closed during November and May each year. From the main road it is about 55 ks into the camp sites. We enjoyed our few days away and sleeping under the stars, we all came back refreshed, but we are all looking forward to getting back on the road again.
I will continue with our trip around Aussie next time but just had to tell of our great weekend away. take care. Judith