Thursday 22 August 2013

Hi Everyone,

We arrived in Maryborough, but unfortunately I have lost all my photos for the our time going up the Queensland Coast. So will mention some of the towns we passed through.
Maryborough an attractive city on the banks of the Mary River. In the mid 1800's over 22.000 immigrants arrived from Europe. It is now a popular spot for fishing and boating. We took the time to walk around the town looking at all the heritage buildings. We attended the markets to sell our candles where a town crier came walking through the street giving out the local news.
Bundaberg, The southern most access point to the Great Barrier Reef. Has many parks and gardens. And its world famous for its amber spirit. Bundaberg Rum, and the surrounding fields of sugarcane.
In the harvest season the cane fires give the area a smokey haze. The aviator Bert Hinkler was the first to fly  from England to Australia in1928 it took him over 15 days.
We visited the Bundaberg rum distillery but only bought some gingerbeer. But interesting to see how it was made. We spent some time at Elliot Heads on the coast, with new friends we had met at Childers.
Gladstone we stayed here with family for about 2 weeks and had a great time, they showed us around the local areas. Gladstone has the largest power station in Australia, the worlds largest Aluminium refinery and is largest multi cargo port in Australia, so a very industrial town not a place I would live at.
Rockhampton. Australia's beef cattle capital, over 2 million cattle graze in the Fitzroy river valley and the surrounding countryside. We visited the caves here just outside of Rockhampton.
Mckay. Sugar was first grown here in 1865. So is known and the Sugar City. It produces a 1/3 of Australia sugar. And out towards the coast is the Great Barrier Reef, so tourism play a very special part in small city. We spent time and went to Eungella National Park, seeing the otters frolicking in the streams, and doing some of the bush walks. One I remember is Finch Hutton Gorge. we met a lady running up the gorge and she mention she does this every day for exercise, it made me feel really unfit. But she invited us around to her place for a meal, it was lovely and we have met many people along our travels just this way. When we finished the walk we stopped on a bench to have rest, a couple next to us had just started their lunch, the man had his sandwich in his hand and next minute it was gone. Kookaburras had swoom down and grab it. It was nice for him but it was quite funny.
Next stop was Home Bush. Where we stayed with friends on their sugarcane property. So Bob was able to ride in the big harvesters and we watch as they set fire to all the sugarcane. Amazing seeing all the snakes, frog and animal come out of the cane as  it burnt. Very smokey for days after, which just went through our van and the house. A great experience though.
So next time Townsville awaits us. bye for now.

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