Tuesday 27 August 2013


We continued our way to Cooktown, but stopping at many of the bays along the way.

What do you think of this beautiful tree art, we found at one of the campsites. Someone must have had a great imagination.

We also called into Keatings Lagoon and found these lovely magpie geese, hundreds of them, and had a great walk around the park.

A lorikeet having a feed in the botanical gardens.
And found this wooden snake at the botanical gardens in Cooktown
We stayed in this cabin at the caravan park. And have you ever stayed in the same room with 2 grown who snore all night. Not the best thing to do. But we loved cooktown with its old buildings, and small
township. Unfortuately we only stayed for the one night before moving on, heading back to Wonga Beach but taking the main road back.

This boat just interested us as some one lives on the house boat.

 The benches up the top where amazing as it told the story of the town and Captain Cooks arrival. The tiles all were done by children, and very interesting reading. The boat above was also interesting as it play music when you hit the different pipes. The bay of Cooktown. Before we left we heard that the best fish & chips were sold here so we had some for lunch before we left. On the way home saw a dingo kangaroos. We really enjoyed our trip and there was certainly a lot to see. So worth taking the time to go.
 Bye for now.


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