Wednesday 24 April 2013

Lake Hamilton Eating House, was constructed between 1851-1857. The station carried 29,000 sheep. The house was used a a stopping place for coaches and travellers until the 1880s. It is not used today but good to learn the history of some of these old homes. This was on the side of the road heading towards Streaky Bay, south Australia.
In 1996 it was retored with a new roof , and a coat off
This is a Child Care centre, and I think its just beautful with all the bright colour flowers, brighten up it just the small town. Also along the way we came across the Dryston Walling, The was used by earlier builders for the foundations on homes, floors, roads wells and to strenghten the dam walls.It was a had flint stone like limestone. The wall dates back to the 1850s, it was classed as a cheap way of fencing. Men got paid 10 shillings per chain, a good man would do 2 chains a day. Now thats hard work when you think it would have all done by hand.
The Dryston Walling
 Streaky Bay a nice spot with a long Jetty and the day that we were there it was very windy.

And once again my favorite birds the pelican. As you can see it was windy as the waves have white caps. We bought some fresh bread then moved on, heading to Port Lincoln but calling into all the small bays along the way.
 These rocks call Murphys Haystacks, they are just beautiful ,Most likely with the weather conditions over the years they have become the amazing shape theyare today.
Below this one even has a face on it, we spent alot of time just roaming inand out of all these wonderful rocks.
God can create some great natural wonders.


We are on the Nullabour Plains a long road over 1000ks and we are loving it. No much around but it changes all the time.
The first sight we saw after we cross the border , and the lookout from the road side.

We drove as far as we could then walked to the old telegraph post, not mush left of it today and it changed with the seasons as as wind blows the sand to settle in different place, so sometime you can see more of the building. Then we walked to the beach, beautiful white sandy beach with the different colour blues of the water it was stunning.

 Many white sand dunes to climb over and the joy of reaching the top then racing down taking a slide or two along the way alot of fun though.
When crossing the border into Ceduna we had our car and caravan searched for food items that we weren;t allowed to bring into South Austalia.
So before we reach the border we cooked up a pile veggies and sat ther juicing a bag of oranges, so a lesson will learnt dont take any fruit and vegs when you are due to cross the borders.

 on to Ceduna we set up in the Caravan park and organised the washing time to top up with food again, then off we went sightseeing the area. We stayed about 3 days
 We also meet up with an elderly couple we met along the Nullabour they where trying to full out form eta so we gave the a hand they were both about 75 years old. So shows you that you are never to old to get out and see the wonderful country, beats lazing around in front of the old tv box and getting old. Ever today we still keep in touch with them.
These photos where taken at the port of Ceduna. with tiles done by school children in the area so it was a nice way to describe things about their town.
Ceduna beach not like to white sand beaches but it still has its own beauty with the cliffs in the back ground, the seaweed and even the footprints in the sand.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Here we are on the road again stopped into a free stop to have morning tea after leaving Fraser Station.
 We stopped for the evening at another free stop east of Caiguna, and what a sunset it was beautiful, but as usual photos don;t do it justice. It was so peaceful where we stopped, all we could hear where a few birds early in the evening then total silence.We loved it. But I know some people find it hard to have complete quite.
About to cross the border into South Australia and yes we are still on the Nullabour PLains.
We didnt see any camels or wombats but we did see a few kangaroos.
 The great Australian Bight what a wonderful sight. But could be very dangerous as the cliff are very steep and rough.
But we spent some time wondering across of the cliffs not to close to the edge though. We have to many place to visit and many people to meet before our time is up.
Desiel across the Nullabour was very expensive and we paid $2.00 per litre, the most that we have ever paid. Thats part of travelling though.

 A lot of people we meet, just don't like the Nullobour, but you what we loved it, yes I know its long and straight and not much to see we really enjoyed it. We did see alot, it seem to change all the time, from the sunsets and sunrise they were all different, bird, galahs, crow noisy thing but lovely to hear them, emus running there legs off, cattle and of course the kangaroos.
And when there wasnt much will we had the windows open and the music on loud singing at the top of our voices. And one thing we did see alot of was the mighty fly, we couldnt stop without the fly. so as you see we enjoyed ourselves.

Bye for now love to have your feed back some time.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Fraser Station, we spent two nights here and took a tour around the station,it was huge, we did a tag along tour as there wasnt enough room in the 4 wheel drive so we followed behind in our own car. It worked out really well as we had the cb radio so the guide was able to give us details as we travelled over the station.

This is a dam which was build on the station many years ago to feed the cattle, it is now empty, but a second wall was also build to keep the animals out. The local animals like kangaroos,Emus and some of the smaller creatures as well.
It was built by hand so imagine moving all the roaks and stones and then placing them in the exact spot. It must have taken ages..
This picture shows a water tank built of rocks and
 then a drain where the water ran  out for the
 animal to drink from. Most of the land was flat and had alot of spinfex covering the ground, certainly wouldnt want to walk through that to much you would be left with quite a few scratches

Back at he caravan park you can see our van in the back, this where we gathered in the evening to talk about our travels and many had a tale or two to tell. Great with fire roaring.

Around the property there were Damara sheep these sheep don't need to be sheared as the wool doen't grow very long. And the galads or pink and greys as the locals call them. There were also many kangaroos and crows around the area.

Thursday 11 April 2013

Well by now we had been on the road for about 3 months and were both having the feeling that we needed to go back to Rockingham and start work again. But we looked at each other , and the places we had seen and the people we had meet. No no no we did not have to turn around and go back we just kept on moving forward. What a wonderful feeling, we had finally started to take control of our lives and not live by other people rules and regulations. So really started to live life, to look at what God has provided for us.
Heading north towards Norseman, where we fulled the car,also shopping to keep us going along the next stretch of road, the Nullabour Plains.A long stretch of road covering over 1000ks going from West Australia across the south Australia border.
These tin camels are in Norseman and the old workmans camp.
We stayed at Fraser Station for 2 nights and took a tour over the station. Taking note of all the holes in the ground which were made by hundres of rabbits. Would not like to dig under ground as their tunnels would most likely go for miles. You can just some of the rabbits.
On the tour we also saw this twisted tree, would look good cut and polished.

As it was just on sunset they put on a good show.
We will continue our tour on Fraser Station next time. Enjoy and be happy.