Wednesday 24 April 2013

We are on the Nullabour Plains a long road over 1000ks and we are loving it. No much around but it changes all the time.
The first sight we saw after we cross the border , and the lookout from the road side.

We drove as far as we could then walked to the old telegraph post, not mush left of it today and it changed with the seasons as as wind blows the sand to settle in different place, so sometime you can see more of the building. Then we walked to the beach, beautiful white sandy beach with the different colour blues of the water it was stunning.

 Many white sand dunes to climb over and the joy of reaching the top then racing down taking a slide or two along the way alot of fun though.
When crossing the border into Ceduna we had our car and caravan searched for food items that we weren;t allowed to bring into South Austalia.
So before we reach the border we cooked up a pile veggies and sat ther juicing a bag of oranges, so a lesson will learnt dont take any fruit and vegs when you are due to cross the borders.

 on to Ceduna we set up in the Caravan park and organised the washing time to top up with food again, then off we went sightseeing the area. We stayed about 3 days
 We also meet up with an elderly couple we met along the Nullabour they where trying to full out form eta so we gave the a hand they were both about 75 years old. So shows you that you are never to old to get out and see the wonderful country, beats lazing around in front of the old tv box and getting old. Ever today we still keep in touch with them.
These photos where taken at the port of Ceduna. with tiles done by school children in the area so it was a nice way to describe things about their town.
Ceduna beach not like to white sand beaches but it still has its own beauty with the cliffs in the back ground, the seaweed and even the footprints in the sand.

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