Wednesday 17 April 2013

Here we are on the road again stopped into a free stop to have morning tea after leaving Fraser Station.
 We stopped for the evening at another free stop east of Caiguna, and what a sunset it was beautiful, but as usual photos don;t do it justice. It was so peaceful where we stopped, all we could hear where a few birds early in the evening then total silence.We loved it. But I know some people find it hard to have complete quite.
About to cross the border into South Australia and yes we are still on the Nullabour PLains.
We didnt see any camels or wombats but we did see a few kangaroos.
 The great Australian Bight what a wonderful sight. But could be very dangerous as the cliff are very steep and rough.
But we spent some time wondering across of the cliffs not to close to the edge though. We have to many place to visit and many people to meet before our time is up.
Desiel across the Nullabour was very expensive and we paid $2.00 per litre, the most that we have ever paid. Thats part of travelling though.

 A lot of people we meet, just don't like the Nullobour, but you what we loved it, yes I know its long and straight and not much to see we really enjoyed it. We did see alot, it seem to change all the time, from the sunsets and sunrise they were all different, bird, galahs, crow noisy thing but lovely to hear them, emus running there legs off, cattle and of course the kangaroos.
And when there wasnt much will we had the windows open and the music on loud singing at the top of our voices. And one thing we did see alot of was the mighty fly, we couldnt stop without the fly. so as you see we enjoyed ourselves.

Bye for now love to have your feed back some time.

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