Thursday 11 April 2013

Well by now we had been on the road for about 3 months and were both having the feeling that we needed to go back to Rockingham and start work again. But we looked at each other , and the places we had seen and the people we had meet. No no no we did not have to turn around and go back we just kept on moving forward. What a wonderful feeling, we had finally started to take control of our lives and not live by other people rules and regulations. So really started to live life, to look at what God has provided for us.
Heading north towards Norseman, where we fulled the car,also shopping to keep us going along the next stretch of road, the Nullabour Plains.A long stretch of road covering over 1000ks going from West Australia across the south Australia border.
These tin camels are in Norseman and the old workmans camp.
We stayed at Fraser Station for 2 nights and took a tour over the station. Taking note of all the holes in the ground which were made by hundres of rabbits. Would not like to dig under ground as their tunnels would most likely go for miles. You can just some of the rabbits.
On the tour we also saw this twisted tree, would look good cut and polished.

As it was just on sunset they put on a good show.
We will continue our tour on Fraser Station next time. Enjoy and be happy.

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