Sunday 16 June 2013

continued Narrabri.

From Kaputar gorge we went out further to see Nandewar Volcano, it was here we saw the Sawn rocks, just amazing the shapes of the rocks and our nature can create something so different.

They look just like pillars especially when you see them lying on the ground, like the ones in the photo below.

 After some time here exploring we moved onto Waa Waa Gorge, this was a lovely walk into the forest following the creek until we came to this huge water fall but unfortuately there wasnt much water flowing. Maybe this was a good thing as we were able to climb up this steep rock face to reach the bottom of the falls. we never did reach it as it was to steep.

This small tree was growing just out of a crack in the rocks and just amazing where they can grow.
 must be enough water underground for it to survive.

We spent quite a bit of time just sitting on the rocks and listening to the wild life, it felt as though we were the only ones around, another world. Moving on, next day we stopped in Moree, just for a short time to stock up with food and diesel. Moree is a thriving farming area has it has rich black soil. Also known for it artesian spas and the town has a Spa complex with heated pools. Another time we might come back and try it out.. By for now.

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