Wednesday 5 June 2013

 Hi Everyone,
Well here we are in the small town of Forbes, NSW.
A lovely spot we were able to have a free camp just on the main highway and about 1k to town. Beautiful mowed lawn with sprinklers. We didnt know this till early hours of the morning when there was this swiss swiss as the water hit the under neath of the caravan when we parked we were unaware of the sprinklers, so it was an early morning rise that morning. We actually unhitched our bikes and rode over the bridge into town, and then out to the old cementry to see Ned Kellys sisters grave(kate Foster) and (Rebbecca  Shieldon) grave. Captains Cooks neice. I do love wondering around old cementrys so are so sad and I just wnt to get out and others can tell you alot about the people who lived in the area.
It was the discovery of gold that kept the town going plus the legends of the bushrangers in the area.
At the local hotel it has the Bushrangers Hall of fame. Especially the famous Ned Kelly and his gang.
It must have been hard to visualise the grime in those days. While in town called into a biscuit factory run by Handicapped people. They took so much pride in showing us how they made their biscuits,packaged them and then sell them to the public. It certainly worth having a look and buy a few packets of biscuits. Just to see the looks on their faces was a great inspiration for us.

This old plane is just near the park where we stayed also a great walking track right around the lake, good walk in the evening.

Parkes was our next stop, known for its huge telscope just north of town, it originated as a tent city,
which grew into a town almost overnight due to gold being found in 1862. It was called Bushsman town until the governor of NSW arrived in 1873 and named it after his own name Henry Parkes.
The telscope is the oldest and largest of the 8 which make up the Australian Telescope National facility. And has been used to to mapping important regions of the milky way and transmitting images of Neil Armstrong when he landed on the moon. Also used in the movie The Dish.
 To see this hugh telescope was amazing pictures just dont show how big they are.
Well time to move on and will report our next stop soon. bye for now.

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