Tuesday 15 July 2014

Tasmania through our Eyes

In February 2014 we boarded the Spirit of Tasmania for a trip to Tassie.

We had a day trip across Bass Strait, it was calm and sunny so we really enjoyed the trip.

It was a full day sailing, and on arriving into Devonport, and after going  through customs, we were going through the gate when we saw  two people waving madly at us, and it was our good friends Adrianna & John.They had been in Tassie for a week so decided to meet us. We spent the evening with them, then next day after stocking up on supplies we all headed to La Trobe. Where we spent a couple of hours going through this amazing shop, it had toys teddies , dolls, and was like  little rabbit warrens, going on and out of the different rooms.
 On to Railton the place of Topiary here we had a picnic lunch in the park. Met the man who wanted to put Railton back on the map, so started the topiary around the town. He had done a amazing job and was also teaching the locals how to train their plants.
Next it was Sheffield the town of murals. Spent a few days here. Bob and I stayed at a free parking ground, while John & Adrianne stayed in a cabin. The murals where beautiful, and every year alot of them are repainted and a different scene appears. Here our friends left us to fly back to the main land. We took a few trips out from here, visiting Wilmot with its many different letterboxes. Also a day trip to Tasmanza, a miniature town. This was great it had a maze which we spent time trying to find our way out..

So look for our next blog to see more of our travels.

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