Wednesday 30 July 2014

Tasmania Through Our Eyes

Campbelltown our next stop, just a over nighter at a free park. Took a walk down the main street to look at all the tiles of the convicts which were sented out from England. Some where so young and sent here on such small crimes. The old bridge was designed by a convict then built by convicts. Also these lovely carving carved by a Tasmanian.

 Passing through the town of Ross we stopped to have a cuppa and we had heard of these beautiful custard squares, so just had to try them out. It was really good.
Bob found a new friend and stopped to have a chat.   

 Oatlands was our next stop here we stayed at the old flour mill. It was free for the night, so stayed 2 nights.

All these towns that we have stopped at are on the main road to Hobart. Down the centre. It was a good drive and some interesting place to see. but one of the best bonus we have so far come across are the people of Tasmania, they friendly and very welcoming.

We arrived in Acton Park and stayed here for about 4 weeks at a very special friends place, with Marie and her family.
We also had special friends arrived from Perth WA .
During this time Marie also celebrated her big 60 birthday. So was something special to be there at that time.

Our next adventure is to visit the Tasman Peninsula with our Perth friends.
Bye for now.

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