Wednesday 30 July 2014

Tasmania Through Our Eyes.

With our friends Hilda And Jean we headed for the Tasman peninsula and Port Arthur.

 This is Jean trying to hide in the barrel.
There where many dogs like this place along both sides of the causeway to stop the convicts from escaping.

 As you can see we found more blackberries along the road and yes we all had a good feed.

 There is a small place on the peninsula that is called Doo town and they
all have special names for their places. Doo Love It & Gunnadoo are just a few that we like.

Went onto the blowholes, the Devil Kitchen and the Archway.

At the blowholes we came across a caravan selling food so time for lunch. The best was ice cream and mixed berry's, More blackberries yummy yum. So we all had a dish of this delicious delights.
Spent a  night in a motel.  That night we also did a guided ghost tour of Port Arthur. Very interesting. Specially when there is a good crowd, and a good guide.

Next day we went back to look around the historical site ant to learn bout the convicts. 
So that will be our next story. Bye.

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