Thursday 30 May 2013

Love this photo just looks so natural
Perrys Sand dunes just out of Wentworth we had a great time here running down the dunes and the worst bit was climbing back up, certainly worked the old legs. These sandhills are thought to originated during the ice age, around 40,000 years ago. They were once used as a bombing range in WW11 and also been used in films and television, with its barren landscape. Back to Mildure for the night before we moved onto Griffiths.
Here we took part in the local market an indoor market, always good doing markets a good way to met the local people. Griffith is know to be one of the largest vegetable grown regions.
While in Griffiths we did some touring to the local look out called Hermit Cave & Sir Dudley de Chair lookout. quite a mouth full isnt it. A great view from the top over looking the town.

There was once an Italian miner who was jilted in Broken Hill. so he left his home and his job and moved to Griffith where he decided to live as a hermit. He lived in the cave at the top of the hill  over  looking the town he was able to watch who was coming.

As you can see he made quite a home for himself and also scattered around you can see remains of a garden.

Moving on from Griffith we found another market at a small town, Redcliffe it was a good market but signs of rain started to come in. Wasnt much so we drove south to have a ride on this minature train going pass all the grape vines.

 It was rather cute and only a few on it, it is run by volenteers. 

 Next day a trip out to Wellington to visit the limestone caves. Caves are fasinating , the many shapes and colours and to think it has taken thousand of years to form, into this wonderful beauty.

Below is a diprotodon which roam the land many many years age this stature is at the Wellington Caves

Below right is a mosaic stature just as you enter the Wellington Caves I loved the colours and they represent different times of the town.

As you can see we had to wear hard hats and closed in shoes, we are standing at the entrance to the underground cave.



 Also at the cave there was a beautiful Japanese garden a place to sit and relax before heading off again on our travels.
We had a really good day and both slept really will after a full day of sightseeing.

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