Thursday 30 May 2013

Love this photo just looks so natural
Perrys Sand dunes just out of Wentworth we had a great time here running down the dunes and the worst bit was climbing back up, certainly worked the old legs. These sandhills are thought to originated during the ice age, around 40,000 years ago. They were once used as a bombing range in WW11 and also been used in films and television, with its barren landscape. Back to Mildure for the night before we moved onto Griffiths.
Here we took part in the local market an indoor market, always good doing markets a good way to met the local people. Griffith is know to be one of the largest vegetable grown regions.
While in Griffiths we did some touring to the local look out called Hermit Cave & Sir Dudley de Chair lookout. quite a mouth full isnt it. A great view from the top over looking the town.

There was once an Italian miner who was jilted in Broken Hill. so he left his home and his job and moved to Griffith where he decided to live as a hermit. He lived in the cave at the top of the hill  over  looking the town he was able to watch who was coming.

As you can see he made quite a home for himself and also scattered around you can see remains of a garden.

Moving on from Griffith we found another market at a small town, Redcliffe it was a good market but signs of rain started to come in. Wasnt much so we drove south to have a ride on this minature train going pass all the grape vines.

 It was rather cute and only a few on it, it is run by volenteers. 

 Next day a trip out to Wellington to visit the limestone caves. Caves are fasinating , the many shapes and colours and to think it has taken thousand of years to form, into this wonderful beauty.

Below is a diprotodon which roam the land many many years age this stature is at the Wellington Caves

Below right is a mosaic stature just as you enter the Wellington Caves I loved the colours and they represent different times of the town.

As you can see we had to wear hard hats and closed in shoes, we are standing at the entrance to the underground cave.



 Also at the cave there was a beautiful Japanese garden a place to sit and relax before heading off again on our travels.
We had a really good day and both slept really will after a full day of sightseeing.

Friday 24 May 2013

Arrived in Mildura and set up caravan in the caravan park, organised a tour out to see Mungo National Park. It is 104 km from Mildura with a rough dirt road so we decided to take a four wheel drive tour. We left early afternnoon ther were four of us a couple from Germany Bob & I.

Many bones have been discovered of the tasmania tiger, echides,
bats and even a 3mitre kangaroo that is hard to believe.
We stayed and watch to sun setting, while we had a lovely salad for tea.
 Mungo national Park is also know as the Wall of China. I was once covered in vegetation, but erosion over the years has rendered the place to sand dunes, looking like lunar type sculpures. Making it an interesting place to visit.
Also took some time out to visit the Botanical gardens in Mildura.Back to Mildura and the next day we went for a boat cruise on the Rothbury a old boat going down through the locks on the Murray river a very relaxing way to spend the afternoon

Mildura is a premier fruit growing area.Especially oranges, the have a place called Orange World where they sell fruit as well as other products relating to oranges.  It was while we sitting outside our van back at the park that we first saw the aposlel birds. They are usually in groups of 12. And funny bird twitting while they hunt for food. Worth watch and gave us some great amusing times.
Wentworth was another day trip out from Mildura.  It is situated at the junction of the Murray and Darling rivers. And you can see the different in colour as the water blend into one. Wentworth is now an attractive and peaceful holiday desternation rich in history. Th old gaol was built in1891.
Made from the local clay and was the first designed gaol in Australia. It closed in 1927. It was mens jail as will as a women jail,

 I nearly locked Bob into the jail, but thought better of it as we still had a lot of places to visit and many people to met. But he thought it was funny place me one of these thing (below). And the things that they were place jail for was amazing little misdemeaners. Its a pity they dont make prison sentence longer these days and make a prison instead of a luxury accommodation. Anyway we go with the flow, in the hope things do change for the better.
Tomorrow off to visit Perry Sandhills.
Bye for now.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Well Hi Everyone,
Continueing on our journey around Australia. At the present we are heading towards Mildura, and have stopped at Berri using this as a base, so we can travell out to the out lining settlements. And one of these place was Renmark. A place which was once a veritable wasteland, now water is piped from the Murray River to irrigate the farms. So now a thriving area with orange orchards and winerys.
It also has a beautiful Rose gardens where you can wonder through out the gardens then stop to have a lovely cuppa later, with cake.

 Views from Paringa cliffs another spot to see this lovely river.
Below the lovely white daisies growing wild just makes a great photo, But as usual photos just do not do justice to all the beautiful spots that we have seen.
Bob and I also soy Candles and has we came into Waikerie we spotted the sign for markets on this weekend so we found out who we needed to see and went along next day to this dealership. There would have been about 10 stall holders inside. What they do is move out the cars to make room for the market. Well we had a great time as the owner was outside telling everyone to come inside to see our candles, it was well recieved and we ended up teaching his wife how to make them herself. Waikerie is Malle scrub country with alot of wineries. It also became and instant town when the government located 281 people from Adelaide.

 It is a great spot for fishing,boating and cliff walking. More sights of the Murray River.
A great holiday desternation.

 Next stop Mildura and a trip out to Mungo National Park.
We are still enjoying our travells and feel we should have done it years ago.
So Bye for now.

Friday 17 May 2013

After having about a week with our beautiful friends in Adelaide we head off towards towards the small town of Berri. Before Berri we stopped at Greenoch and caught up with some friends that we had met in Melrose. They took us around the Barossa Valley where all the wine is grown.   We didnt buy any but interesting visiting the grand buildings.

This where they made all the Berri fruit juices. We took time to go and buy some tin fruit and fruit juice,as they had seconds for sale and by seconds it was mainly to do with the labels nothing wrong with the actually product. Berri also had one of the best caravans we had stayed in as it was lovely and clean withgreen grass. This is in Berri under the bridge showing art work of the Aborignals.

The next day we took a trip out to see an old musuem at the  small settlement of Loxton. Here Bob is in docks but lucky for him there was no fruit around.  But he got me back by locking me in prison.

It was a good day wondering around trying all the old things out Bob even trying to get so fuel for us to drive home. People back then must have had a harigrants. It began to boom whend time back them. Especially having to wear those beautiful long dresses then working outside in the mud and dirt. But also back in that time people pulled together as a family. So computer gadgets has taken alot of that away. The front of a winery just outside of Loxton.  Loxton was originally settled by German immigrants. It began to boom when the returned servicemen returned from world war 2.

Back to Berri for another couple of days taking day trips out. Next will be Renmark.

Thursday 16 May 2013

 Hallett Cove just south of Adelaide our great friends packed us into their car and off we went. It was amazing seeing this. One side you have the coast line while on the other side was this wonderful coloured cliffs.

There was a walking track right round the cliff so some great vies.

Having a lovely picnic lunch with our friends at Kuitpo Forest
Bob & Mike enjoying having their photo taken with a lovely lady. The day was lovely but time to drive back to Adelaide.
Adelaide is one of the best pla.nned city in  the world. It was Australian first free settlement.
It has few skyscrapers  and retains a human scale. It blends both heritage and contemporary styles.
It is famous for its food and wine, and is a major city for export of fish and vegetables. So a very pretty city with a botanical in the centre as well.
Bye for now