Tuesday 7 May 2013

Port Augusta, A thriving industrial town, it is the northerly port in South Australia. It supplies electricity to alot of the outback areas. Fuel by coal from open cut mines.
We stayed in the caravan park for 2 days, and travelled around to see the sight.
 A trip out to the Australian Arid Land Botanical Gardens.
Found thes statues made by different artist of the areas.

 The water tower in Point Augusta, we climbed to the top and what a view, showing the surrounding areas.The light house at Lowry Point just out of Port Augusta.
We decided to take the inside road to head down towards Adelaide, we got to the small town of Melrose, and stayed in the show grounds there. Next day we back tracked To the small settlement of Willingham then drove inland over hills and down steep declines to Alligator gorge.

 We decided to do the round trip which was 9 ks, so we started off it was beautiful easy walking a little hill until we reached the fire break and followed that, half way down it started to rain, wasnt just a trickle it poured down. So by the time we got back to the car we were wet through..
Back to the van, hot showers and spent the rest of the afternoon warming up and watching .TV
 On the way back to the van we could see Mt Remarkable in the distant. The next we day we walked to the top hoping to get a good view but the trees had grown so much that there was no view. But a good walk and we were exhausted by the time we got back.

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