Friday 24 May 2013

Arrived in Mildura and set up caravan in the caravan park, organised a tour out to see Mungo National Park. It is 104 km from Mildura with a rough dirt road so we decided to take a four wheel drive tour. We left early afternnoon ther were four of us a couple from Germany Bob & I.

Many bones have been discovered of the tasmania tiger, echides,
bats and even a 3mitre kangaroo that is hard to believe.
We stayed and watch to sun setting, while we had a lovely salad for tea.
 Mungo national Park is also know as the Wall of China. I was once covered in vegetation, but erosion over the years has rendered the place to sand dunes, looking like lunar type sculpures. Making it an interesting place to visit.
Also took some time out to visit the Botanical gardens in Mildura.Back to Mildura and the next day we went for a boat cruise on the Rothbury a old boat going down through the locks on the Murray river a very relaxing way to spend the afternoon

Mildura is a premier fruit growing area.Especially oranges, the have a place called Orange World where they sell fruit as well as other products relating to oranges.  It was while we sitting outside our van back at the park that we first saw the aposlel birds. They are usually in groups of 12. And funny bird twitting while they hunt for food. Worth watch and gave us some great amusing times.
Wentworth was another day trip out from Mildura.  It is situated at the junction of the Murray and Darling rivers. And you can see the different in colour as the water blend into one. Wentworth is now an attractive and peaceful holiday desternation rich in history. Th old gaol was built in1891.
Made from the local clay and was the first designed gaol in Australia. It closed in 1927. It was mens jail as will as a women jail,

 I nearly locked Bob into the jail, but thought better of it as we still had a lot of places to visit and many people to met. But he thought it was funny place me one of these thing (below). And the things that they were place jail for was amazing little misdemeaners. Its a pity they dont make prison sentence longer these days and make a prison instead of a luxury accommodation. Anyway we go with the flow, in the hope things do change for the better.
Tomorrow off to visit Perry Sandhills.
Bye for now.

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