Thursday 16 May 2013

 Hallett Cove just south of Adelaide our great friends packed us into their car and off we went. It was amazing seeing this. One side you have the coast line while on the other side was this wonderful coloured cliffs.

There was a walking track right round the cliff so some great vies.

Having a lovely picnic lunch with our friends at Kuitpo Forest
Bob & Mike enjoying having their photo taken with a lovely lady. The day was lovely but time to drive back to Adelaide.
Adelaide is one of the best pla.nned city in  the world. It was Australian first free settlement.
It has few skyscrapers  and retains a human scale. It blends both heritage and contemporary styles.
It is famous for its food and wine, and is a major city for export of fish and vegetables. So a very pretty city with a botanical in the centre as well.
Bye for now

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