Tuesday 7 May 2013

 We arrived in Port Lincoln and stayed in the caravan park, did the neccessary things like washing fulling the water tanks and buying food. Then next day wetook off to see some of the bays around the area. Fishery Bay, this was amazing as the colours that where in the cliff just stood out to give up a great display.With the blue water it madea great picture.
Port Lincoln was quite a nice township, with a few hills and canals where alot of new homes where being built.

 From a lookout point it was a good view of Port Lincoln and the surrounding area

Seaforth Bay was another beautiful bay with the rugged rocks and sand dunes

After spending about 3 days here we headed north to the township of Whyalla. A  mining town where everywhere you looked all you could see was this reddy brown dust,it covered the building,plants. We stay a couple of days but not really a

place I would want to go back to, it was an industrial town. But a beautiful view of the  Bay from Hammock Hill
We took a trip out to out to Conservation Park a we drive out of town to see some rock display and to have some more exercise.
 As you can see we walked quite a way up onto theses rocks but will worth it for the sights that stood out in front of us.

 And on the way back to our van we had this beautiful sunset.
We are lucky to have such a beautiful and diverse country right at our feet.
 The ship The Whyalla . the first ship built in Whyalla, it is not in use now but it has become a tourist attraction with a museum,very interesting to read the history of the boat and the sailors who sailed in her.
So do you think I would make a good sailor, I don't cabins and bunks very small.
Next day, time to move on again to see what else was out there waiting for us.

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