Monday 13 May 2013

Hello Again,
Adelaide what a lovely city we stayed with friends parked on their fronlawn and each day they would have their car packed with the flask and lunch all made, just waiting for us to get going. They took us all over the place sight which we would not have gone to. So here are some of the photos.

Bob and I got our bikes out one day and cycled the coast. Top photo is where they are dumping sand as much had been washed out from storms. But a beautiful day stopping to see all the sights on the way plus exercise.

 Flueriru Peninsula, South of Adelaide, what a fantastic day seeing the sights having a good walk and lunch with special friends

Views of mountains around Myponga Dam

Another great day we had was when we went to Mt Lofty Botanical gardens, it was lovely just to wonder and the weather was perfect. We had lunch at the top of the look out and we payed for lunch as a way of appreciation.

In the evenings we would have a BBq with our friends family so we had a good time there.Below statues in the botanical gardens. Next day we went to Hallet Cove so will show them next time. Bye for now.

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