Wednesday 1 May 2013

 Hi Everyone,
As you round a corner this is what you see, the  beautful colour of yellow canola fields they look stunning with the green feilds around them.

This isBob and I  having lunch at Coffin Bay, overlooking the bay what a great spot. As you can see it was quite a cold day as we have our jumpers on.

 There where many rock formations around the bay, also on the way there, there was a dirt road leading off to the right so as we do we take all the little tracks. Well I was ready to jump out and let Bob drive, as it was very steep  and rough and all I could see was the water below us. I have had many dreams of this. So very pleased but also a nervous wreck by the time we reached the bottom. I didnt drive out. Bob had the honours.

This a hairy little caterpillar we found on our walk. Over all it was a great day.
 On the way back to Port Lincoln where we were staying saw this quaint little church. With this lovely old tree behind it. There is beauty everywhere ever an old tree.
well hope you are all enjoying our travels. Judith

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