Wednesday 8 May 2013

Melrose sets at the base of Mt Remarkable and is the oldest settlement in the Flinders Range. Mt Remarkable is 995 metres and a 12 k round trip. The track is made of alot of shingle and quite dangerous as shingle moves under foot.
This is an old smashed up truck made into a unit and rented out.Jackas Brewery was once the local Flour Mill
 Then sold in the 1800 to become the local Brewery it supplied the local areas for sometime. But now it stand tall and lonely, and wasting away slowly to the elements.
From Melrose we stayed for about a week and visited many of the outlining towns.

Just old building along the way in South Australia we found many old buildings. Like this old abandon church, still looking quaint but unfortuately fall to pieces, and very interesting reading the old tombs, you can learn alot about the people of this era. They certainly had a hard time. Next time we will tell you about Magnet Hill.
Hope you all enjoy our travels


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